An Open Fucking Letter To Wall Street Regarding The Motherfucking Election
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"We can't pay and we wouldn't pay. Even if I had the money I would rather burn everything I owned, and I wouldn't even give them the ashes." PirateBay! FTW!!!
Lasciate Ogne Speranza, Voi Ch'intrate.... Bitches.
"Jesus Died For Somebody's Sins... But Not Mine..."
~Patti Smith, Gloria, Easter 1975
Let It Burn,
Wanna Let It Burn,
Wanna Let It Burn,
Wanna, Wanna Let It Burn
April 29th, 1992
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Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Monday, October 18, 2004
Re: Jude Law / Ashlee Simpson > October 23rd
"I feel so bad my band started playing the wrong song and I didn't know what to do so I thought I'd do a hoe-down- I'm sorry."
synchbuster writing about the Saturday Night Live Ashlee Simpson Emperor Has No Clothes debacle that went down last night spoke for a lot of people out there in music land when they said:
"All I know is. I love that this happened. I hope people continue talking about it. And I hope the discussion widens to encompass the phoniness of this genre of music in general. "
And I can see that too, but I'm also thinking, why stop there?
I mean wow, isn't this just like the posturing of this BuschCo Administration?
Something bad happens, they just elide over it like it wasn't even there
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Friday, October 15, 2004
Labels: Ashlee Simpson, BuschCo Administration, Bush, Emperor Has No Clothes, Fakery, Hypocrisy, Lies, lip synching, Potemkin's Village, SNL