Monday, September 5, 2005

It's A Story Problem....


"It's up to you not to heed the call-up
'N' you must not act the way you were brought up
Who knows the reasons why you have grown up?

Who knows the plans or why they were drawn up?"

On 9/5/05, Derek wrote:

The difference is this wasn't planned, 9/11 was.



I dunno Derek, the kids on the local listserv might call that response weaksauce.

There are sins of commission, and in this case, sins of omission.

"JACK (V.O.)

On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

I'm a Recall Coordinator. My job is to apply the formula.

It's a story problem.

A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 miles per

The rear differential locks up.

The car crushes and burns with everyone trapped inside.


Do we initiate a recall?

Take the number of vehicles in the field:

(A) multiply it by the probable rate of failure

(B) then multiply the result by the average out-of-court

(C) A times B times C equals X...

If X is less that the cost of a recall, then we don't do one.

Are there a *lot* of these kinds of accident?

You wouldn't believe.

Which car company do you work for?

A major one"
Fight Club, 1996/9

The New Orleans newspaper, The Times-Picayune, ran a 5 part series on just this scenario playing out, National Geographic and Scientific American both had extensive pieces on it, the New Orleans Mayor has been begging for help with the levees and Louisian's United States Senator Landrieau has had a bill languishing in the Senate for the last 3 years seeking funding to shore up that region against the sea, and most damning, DHS/FEMA ran drills within the last 2 years or so on what would happen if a hurricane of this size hit New Orleans.

My thinking is so grim at this point I wouldn't put it past these people to have done one of their Cost/Benefit Analysis's and figured it would be cheaper and more cost effective to just let this American underclass, that they created, btw, to up and fucking die, by simply dragging heel at a crtical moment, which is exactly what is happening here.

After all, once they're rescued, they've got to be sheltered, clothed and fed, and that costs.

Who's gonna foot the bill for that?

Sounds like a viable "plan" to me.

Given our track record with the genocide that we committed against the mentally ill in this country by dumping them en masse in the streets 20 years ago, (making Ronald Reagan the greatest mass murderer in USSA history, so far. Just you wait until the dismantling of Social Security kicks in in the next decade or so), what we are seeing here is completely consistent with our Ruling Class's core values.

this is in or around USSA" It's A Story Problem.... "It's A Story Problem....
Reply to:
Date: 2005-09-05, 11:01AM EDT

'It's up to you not to heed the call-up
'N' you must not act the way you were brought up
Who knows the reasons why you have grown up?

Who knows the plans or why they were drawn up?'

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