Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Have You Tried It?
UPDATE From Nyc:
It's in my freezer right now, though I wonder why he didn't go for a Red, White and Blue Italian ice/sherbet type dealio. I mean it's obvious it could have been called "Colbert Sherbet". Maybe that one will be next.
On a personal note, I see Colbert as a complete, non-stop menace to society at large.
I mean, jeez Louise, the Maureen Dowd column was one thing, but now that his book is #1 on The New York Times Bestseller list, he's going to be beyond insufferable for at least a month...
By way of comparison, Ann Coulter's latest piece of drivel has been out for less than a month, and it looks like her crazy talk has finally caught up with her, and people are fed up with her shit, because she's dropped all the way down to #95 on Amazon.
It's about fucking time.
Posted by
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Labels: Ann Coulter Political Death Watch, Ben And Jerry's Ice Cream, Colbert, Colbert Sherbet
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Harder They Come Finally Gets The Props It Deserves
Jimmy Cliff’s THE HARDER THEY COME movie soundtrack has been named by Vanity Fair as being the NUMBER THREE best film soundtrack of all time.
Damn.That’s so awesome.
Especially since it beat out the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.Now for those of you out there in the Howdy Doodyland Peanut Gallery that are scratching your heads in disbelief and wondering what in high holy hell this album is doing so high on this list, please consider that without this soundtrack, and its influence, (and you can forget about it popularizing reggae in the USA), Punk Rock, (to name just one genre), as we know it, in all likelihood, would probably not exist.
That’s because in the early 1970s you could not turn on the BBC radio in England without hearing at least one song a day from it, if not more, since it was on the kind of heavy musical rotation that would make an MTV marketing VP, from the late 1980s, blush bright beet red and wet their pants.That Clash song that you hear in that car ad these days? It’s a cover of the Toots & Maytals’s Pressure Drop, which is track 9 on The Harder They Come soundtrack.
Now for all you LA Surf Thrash Punks out there who believe that Sublime’s Bradley Nowell was a bigger talent than Kurt Cobain because he had greater musical range? Well, we could debate that one for a month of Sundays, all day long, until the cows come home, but one thing is true of both Nirvana and Sublime, besides them being Power Pop Trio bands, and that is they kicked ass when it came to covers, this unplugged, live, Nirvana album being Prima Facie evidence of that. In Sublime’s case, from their seminal 40 Oz’s To Freedom, there’s Rivers of Babylon, which is, that’s right a cover from the original Melodians version of it that’s the third song on The Harder They Come soundtrack.If you’re lucky enough to have this bad boy on vinyl, like I do, I suggest busting it out and giving it another listen to and feel the warm glow of it finally getting the recognition of the place in musical history that it so richly deserves.
Many rivers to cross, indeed, but it does go to show that you can get it if you really want.Even if it requires the patience of Job, and stuff.
If not there’s alway the YouTubes, and the opening, title song itself isn’t a bad place to start, but for myself, this has always been my favorite tune. Those that know me know why.Now, all that being said, I haven’t seen this complete Vanity Fair list of 50 film soundtracks past their Top Ten Picks, but I do know this, if I don’t see The Repo Man Soundtrack on there, as it should rightfully be, I’m gonna scream bloody murder at the top of my motherfaluckling lungs.
But for now, I’ll be more than happy to settle for this.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Labels: Babylon, BBC Radio, Howdy Doody, Jimmy Cliff, Kurt Cobain, MTV, punk rock, Reggae, Sublime, The Harder They Come, The Maytals. Nirvana, Unplugged, Vanity Fair
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Local Boy Makes Good Internationally
Sad thing is, Senator Oddo isn't even original, he completely stole the "Get the fuck out of my office" line from Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP:
Steve: Tower Records told me to shove this record up my ass! Do you know what it feels like to be told to have a record shoved up your ass?
Eminem: But, I-
Steve: I'm gonna lose my fuckin' job over this. You know why Dre's record was so successful? He's rappin' about big-screen tv's, blunts, 40's and bitches. You're rappin' about homosexuals and Vicadin.
Eminem: I mean-
Steve: I can't sell this shit!
Eminem: What-
Steve: Either change the record or it's not coming out!
Eminem: What, I-
Steve: Now get the fuck out of my office!
Eminem: What am I supposed-
Steve: NOW!
Eminem: Alright man, whatever.
More to follow...
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Labels: Oddo, Plagarism, Staten Island, YouTube
Saturday, October 6, 2007
"This Country Doesn't Torture, We're Not Going To Torture..."
And I've got some land in Florida and a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya.
Speaking as a former tech from ALT, America's premiere BDSM website, let me break some news to you.
Take a look around, not only do we Americans torture, early and often, we totally love, adore and get off on that shit, in a really big way.
Forget Jack Bauer.
We use torture to sell soap and shampoo for Chrissakes:
It's The American Way, bitch.
God Bless America.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
No Doubt A Taser Would Have Been Preferable
JP From Welcome to Pottersville provides his always erudite commentary on this here.
Show him some love.
And spread this video of 15 year old Shelwanda Riley getting pepper-sprayed all over the web.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Friday, October 05, 2007
Labels: Shelwanda Riley
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
BLOGSWARM He Fiddled While It Drowned, Or Everything Old Is New Again
(Note: prior Katrina posts, including this one, are here.)
Kanye's a bit off the mark.
Herr El Presidente Busch has always hated and not cared a good goddamn damn about, the poor, the black, hispanics, and most importantly, their children, as his recent promise to veto any S-CHIP health care legislation for America's poor children that crosses his desk bears out
Long, long, before Katrina happened under his watch as President, he established a long running track record of this kind of as Texas Governor.
Katrina was just part of his 'more of the same' track record, that we're sure to see more of before he leaves office.
It's a pattern that they're going to run out of their Death to America playbook, again and again.
And let's call it what it is, it's not "government malfeasance", that's nonsense.
This, and the events in Texas described below paint a picture of this death by drowning of a jewel of an American city, New Orleans, being nothing less than slow-burn genocide.
It's not like people weren't warned, and sorry there's no short way to do this, this excerpt came out as part of a much longer piece written by Gail Sheehy that ran the month before the 2000 Election.
Try not to throw up while you read it.
With his promise to restore "honor and dignity" to the Oval Office, Bush is not running on issues; he is running on character. The character of a political leader, though, must be expressed through his policies on the great concerns of the time. A leading concern today is the environment. Supreme Court justices will retire, new laws will be passed, but once the environment has been degraded, the effects are generally irreversible.
Bush is an oilman, and so is Dick Cheney, who, until he was tapped as Bush's running mate, was C.E.O. of Halliburton, the world's largest oil-field services company. Over the past five years Cheney received salary and bonuses totaling $12.5 million, stock options worth nearly $39 million and, last month, a retirement package worth an estimated $20 million. Don Evans, who would likely be Bush's chief of staff, is the C.E.O. of Tom Brown Inc., the $750 million Denver-based oil and gas company.
The obvious question arises: How would these men balance the interests of the oil and petrochemical industries, which are among their heaviest contributors, with the interests of Americans for a clean and healthy environment?
Odessa, Texas, is the backyard of Midland—in every way. It is where the dirty services of the local oil and petrochemical industries are performed. The industry executives live in Midland. The working people live in Odessa.
It is where the Bush family first set up housekeeping in 1948, a couple of miles from a petrochemical plant built in 1956 that is now the sixth-worst polluter in the state of Texas. But the Bush family has long been gone, and a few years ago even the Texas agency responsible for environmental control of air and water moved out of Odessa and over to Midland, leaving no forwarding number.
That was after the plant was bought up in 1997 by Huntsman, the largest privately owned petrochemical company in the country, which expanded the plant's capacity for making plastic pellets. First, the school windows start to rattle. Then the whole building shakes. Swooosh-thwoock! It sounds like giant fireworks going off. The kids look out the windows, excited. From the tower of the plant a half-mile from the school a torch of flame shoots toward the sky. Kids who run outside feel the ground rolling. "Is it an earthquake?" "Will it blow up?" Smoke twists up from the tip of the flame. After a while the smoke turns black and lies down over the community and day turns into night. Company representatives tell frightened residents they are just burning "sweet" gas. But to residents it smells like raw diesel fuel or rotten eggs, depending on the day. "Whenever there is a rattle or an 'earthquake,' I call the representative from Huntsman and ask, 'What's going on?'" says Laura Norton, the principal of Hays Elementary School. The public-relations executive for the Odessa plant, Carolyn Tripp, goes over to the school and calms everyone down. "She calls them 'flares,'" says Norton. "She said they had to shut down parts of the plant to release … I believe she said steam, and because they're shooting it fast, it was creating a lot of pressure."
A flare is the burn-off of chemicals which are fired from a plant into the atmosphere, releasing anything from plant waste to dangerous carcinogens, but it isn't only natural or "sweet gas." Flares use steam, but what they are burning is often a toxic chemical soup that is so commonplace in Texas cities and poor counties that, under Governor Bush, the state has moved up to No. 1 in ozone precursor emissions. (Air toxics become transformed and create ozone pollution.)
Amazingly, Houston managed to outdo Los Angeles in 1999 as the city with the highest levels of ozone smog in the nation. Houston is only one of a half-dozen of the state's largest metropolitan areas to be warned by the Environmental Protection Agency that their eight-hour smog levels threaten human health. Governor Bush's latest response was to write to the E.P.A., only last June, asking that the Texas counties in violation be designated "unclassifiable" and exempted from federal penalties. The E.P.A. has asked the governor to reconsider.
In December 1998, Odessa residents living downwind of the newly expanded Huntsman plastics plant were engulfed by black, toxic smoke—so thick they needed to drive with their headlights on in the middle of the day. That eerie "flare" lasted for two weeks. Houses shook, and terrified residents couldn't sleep or concentrate. Children wheezed and coughed and came down with bloody noses and headaches. The flame climbed a hundred feet in the air and could be seen from 30 miles away at the Midland Country Club. But the Midland office of the state's environmental agency, T.N.R.C.C. (Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission), did nothing. The local air-section manager, Mike Hagan, excused the event as an "upset," which is what they call an unscheduled release of chemicals. The T.N.R.C.C. doesn't track the number of upsets at each plant, and some, like Alcoa's Rockdale smelter, can have upsets daily. Ludicrously, the agency puts no limit on the amount of toxins or duration of releases. A Huntsman Corporation executive in charge of environmental matters, Don Olsen, insisted there had been no flare. "There just isn't evidence that anything like that happened." he said. In fact, in the first three days of the two-week upset the plant burned more than 60,000 pounds of ethylene, a suspected neurotoxicant that has adverse effects on the nervous system; more than 30,000 pounds of propylene, which adversely affects breathing; and hundreds of pounds of benzene and butadiene—both recognized as highly hazardous carcinogens which promote cancer of the liver and are toxic to the heart, the blood, the respiratory and intestinal and immune systems.
Gene Collins, president of the Odessa chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., organized residents into one of the largest protests against community pollution in the state—3,100 individual affidavits from people who complained of health problems and medical bills. The enforcement division of the T.N.R.C.C. cooperated with Huntsman in negotiating a $7,500 fine, which the agency agreed to waive when the company offered to make a contribution to the betterment of the affected community. Last October, Huntsman told the Hays school it was putting in an expensive new air-quality monitor, right on the school grounds. It was actually provided by the T.N.R.C.C. in response to the community outcry. "A Huntsman person came over and explained they would be monitoring things 24 hours a day, seven days a week," says the principal innocently. "We feel confident they are monitoring the air, so we feel like it's safe for the kids."
Hays has 350 students, of which the majority are black or Hispanic. The principal admits that some parents have complained that their children are having problems with "allergies," but says the school's complete attendance records are a year or two behind. Careful about what she says, since many of the children have parents who owe their jobs to the Huntsman plant, the principal praises the company for taking an interest in their school. "They get real involved in our science fair, and they provide computer equipment." "What good does it do if you give a child a computer and then 20 years later he gets cancer from all the pollution he got from going to Hays Elementary?" asks Dr. Neil Carman, a former air-quality-control inspector for the T.N.R.C.C., widely known as "Trainwreck." "The whole system they use is a hoax and a fraud," says Carman, who quit the agency in disgust in 1992 and now works for the Sierra Club in Texas.
The Huntsman operation in Odessa is not the worst case of alleged environmental recklessness in Texas, but it is a classic example of how the interests of the oil and power and petrochemical industries are protected by the Bush administration, while the population is virtually helpless against the dangerously mounting pollution levels.
The T.N.R.C.C. insists it does have "guidelines"—E.S.L.'s, or environmental-safety levels—which are pseudo-standards that the agency can apply or dismiss at its discretion. But they mean almost nothing. Why? Because Texas is not enforcing its clean-air laws. Under the federal act signed in 1990 by President Bush, each state was allowed to choose its own strategy. Under Governor Bush, the Texas strategy was conceived by industry executives working with the governor's office and blessed by the three commissioners of the T.N.R.C.C.—Ralph Marquez, a 30-year veteran of the chemical industry; John Baker, a professional lobbyist; and Robert Huston, an oil-industry consultant—all appointed by Governor Bush.
Here is how it happened in Texas, and how it might be expected to happen at the national level under President Bush.
An alarm bell was sounded in Bush's office in January 1997 by his point man for environmental policy, John Howard, who warned in a memo that the "industry has expressed concern that the T.N.R.C.C. is moving too quickly and may rashly seek legislation this session." The legislation in question might have closed the grandfathering loophole that allows the worst of Texas air polluters to continue operating their decades-old plants with outmoded technology. That June, executives of Marathon Oil and Exxon sent a letter to other oil executives with good news: Governor Bush, it stated, "asked us to work with his office to develop the concepts of a voluntary program to permit grandfathered facilities in Texas." These are plants more than 30 years old, and they account for more than a third of all industrial emissions in the state.
Executives from more than a dozen oil and chemical companies, including Huntsman, together with their lobbyists, met through the fall of 1997 in complete secrecy until they had drafted a new law to their liking. One troubled DuPont engineer sent out an E-mail stating, "Clearly, the 'insiders' from oil & gas believe that the Governor's Office will 'persuade' the T.N.R.C.C. to accept whatever program is developed between the industry group and the Governor's Office." Then Governor Bush created a blue-ribbon committee, misleadingly named CARE, to bless the new program. On June 18, 1999, Bush sealed it with his signature on a law that makes it entirely voluntary for companies with old, grandfathered plants to cut their pollution emissions.
That spring, when Bush announced his intention to run for president, his campaign was jump-started by contributions from the owners of these same grandfathered plants and their law firms. Among the most generous were Enron ($103,100), Exxon ($19,200), and Shell ($25,000). Vinson & Elkins, the law firm that represents Alcoa on air-pollution matters, contributed $184,800. Baker & Botts, which has lobbied on behalf of eight grandfathered polluters, including Huntsman, gave $82,000.
Probably some of those highly paid lobbyists were on the links the day in mid-July when I had a late lunch at the Midland Country Club. The club, once frequented by George W., hosts luncheons for oilmen who belong to the Landmen's Association and Natural Gas Producers. After a game of golf they might enjoy oysters in crawfish cream sauce and green chili and then sit out on the veranda, boasting about their latest prospect.
Suddenly, from the veranda, I noticed what looked like a big torch in the sky. "Could that be a flare from the Huntsman petrochemical plant?" I asked the assistant manager of the club. He wrinkled his nose. "It doesn't look very nice."
I was in Midland that day doing interviews for this story. Having read a report that almost a quarter-million children in Texas attend school near grandfathered plants that emit smog-producing pollution, I had asked for an interview with the principal of the Hays school. When I called Gene Collins, a graduate of Baylor University who is the N.A.A.C.P. man in Odessa, he said, "Y'all picked a good time to come up here. Huntsman is passing out flyers in the community announcing they are going to have a flare and an upset [defined as accidental!] tomorrow starting at six a.m."
It was the first time the company had given Odessa residents a warning of a flare, though it is legally required to do so by the E.P.A. Collins sounded genuinely pleased: "They are really trying to do something for the community." Collins was not available when I called back. The company had started flaring 12 hours in advance of the time given in the flyer, and he was passing out gas masks to residents.
My Texas researcher, Mike Smith, and I drove over to Odessa to experience a flare firsthand. As we approached the low-income neighborhood of South Odessa, a rumble was noticeable, and a tall narrow flame lit the sky above the squat houses. Residents were in the streets handing out thin tissue masks. I stopped to speak to Mary Hernandez, whose neck was collared by a raw red scar. "I had a thyroid tumor removed three months ago," she said. "Like a golf ball." She was checking on the elderly residents, many of whom have obtained oxygen tanks. The mothers and grandmothers looked very worried. "This one has been going for two or three nights already," said Bobbi Palmer, a retired grandmother of 15. "The rolling—at night it sounds like thunder. The kids get very upset because the noise keeps them awake."
Collins says, "We have a much higher than normal rate of kidney cancer. So many people in Odessa are on kidney dialysis now, we have a special clinic for it. And just about everybody has some sort of respiratory problem." After less than an hour I noticed my own throat closing up. My eyes were running, my voice became hoarse, and I began to feel disoriented. The company's response had been a program called "Shelter in Place": people were told to tape their windows and seal themselves in during a flare—hardly humane in the 90-plus-degree summer heat for people whose air-conditioning is to open the windows and doors.
Dozens of Odessa residents had traveled to Austin last spring to petition Governor Bush for help. He ignored them. That evening we stopped by the Hays school to see the new monitor. It looked like a small railroad car, padlocked, with a little glass jar attached to sample the air. We could hear it "breathing," sucking in the air, but Collins said that when he'd asked for data from it, the local T.N.R.C.C. representative told him they didn't have the staff to read the data. (The T.N.R.C.C. has 3,000 employees.) After a month of chasing around, a technical person at the T.N.R.C.C. campus in Austin downloaded 13,000 pages of data documenting the emissions at the Hays school on an hourly basis from the time the monitor had been installed, nine months before.
The results were shocking. Even Dr. Carman, the former T.N.R.C.C. inspector who had worked for years in the Odessa plants, had never seen anything like it. "It's like having an open incinerator in your backyard, but this incinerator is burning a very large soup of toxic chemicals," said Dr. Carman after analyzing the data from the three days in mid-July when I had followed the flare in Odessa. "With all of the toxic air releases occurring in Texas—tens of thousands of them—this is the first time a continuous monitor has recorded, in real time, emissions from a flaring episode in Texas," to Dr. Carman's knowledge.
The "normal" level for benzene in the area ranges from .5 to 2 or 3 parts per billion (p.p.b.) molecules of air. The evening I was in the neighborhood the benzene level spiked up to 6.5 p.p.b. At 11 p.m., after the last local newscaster left, the benzene level jumped to 13. But we were still being exposed to the effects of a truly stratospheric climb recorded at seven that morning—up to 269 p.p.b., at least a 200 percent increase!
And benzene wasn't the only deadly carcinogen the plant was spewing. There were also high levels of toluene and butadiene, both neurotoxicants that are considered extremely hazardous to children's development as well as to the reproductive health of men and women and particularly to the unborn. "This is dramatic evidence that these flares are not burning everything, but rather releasing a mixture of highly toxic chemicals into the air at ground level," Dr. Carman said. "I can tell you, the T.N.R.C.C. has no idea what this stuff does to people. They are certainly not going to tell anyone that it is killing them, because that is bad for 'bidness' in Texas."
The Huntsman plants are among hundreds of such outmoded, free-flaring facilities. And the saddest part, says Dr. Carman, is that what comes out of most of these plants is not even monitored. When I read off the data from the Hays monitor to a director of enforcement at the T.N.R.C.C., Joe Vogel, he was evasive. He isn't a toxicologist, he said, he's a business-administration person. Yet he insisted, "A lot of short-term spikes don't necessarily have a health impact.… There is not a refinery that does not have upsets."
The managers of another Huntsman plant, in Port Arthur, had been found criminally guilty in 1999 of falsifying reports on a similar incident of a huge benzene release. (One of the convicted managers was a former state air-pollution regulator; while on appeal he still has his job with Huntsman.) "We have never been able to prove a condition of air pollution, because we were never able to prove that the smoke impacted the neighborhood," says Vogel about Port Arthur. Vogel failed to say that the T.N.R.C.C. has set acceptable levels for short-term releases, and Huntsman had clearly exceeded them and may be endangering the health of the community. The short-term safety level of benzene is four p.p.b. an hour for 24 hours. On July 11, the average measurement of benzene per hour in South Odessa was 20 p.p.b.
My call must have set off alarm bells in the Salt Lake City headquarters of Huntsman. A conference call with Don Olsen was arranged by a lobbyist with the public-relations firm created by Governor Bush's media guru, Mark McKinnon. "We bought this plant because we thought it helps Odessa and the end products it makes are necessary for society," said Olsen. He also said that the company had spent millions on putting in a new flaring system. "We're working closely with the T.N.R.C.C." But he said he knew nothing about a July flare, nor about any data generated by the expensive new monitor, and professed ignorance of any benzene releases. When he heard some of the numbers, he changed his story: "The T.N.R.C.C. or E.P.A. has not contacted us about that. It's not our responsibility to read the monitors. If they find something wrong, they have the responsibility to tell us." The next day Huntsman's excuse was to say the monitor wasn't even operating on the three days for which we had data.
Several days later, the company provided us with a duplicate of the data from the T.N.R.C.C. but insisted that all the chemicals recorded were far below levels of concern. They also tried to blame the pollution on a nearby rubber plant. Huntsman put out 2,936,559 pounds of toxic chemicals in 1998—25 times as much air pollution as the rubber plant, according to the E.P.A. Other toxic chemicals found by the Hays monitor are primarily associated with Huntsman's facility (propylene, ethylene, propane, ethane, and methane). "It's a farce," Gene Collins said with a bitter laugh. "Governor Bush has turned his head. Maybe that is how he interprets 'compassionate conservative'—I won't watch your suffering."
In the month after the Odessa upset, Collins reported, "we've had two people die from acute asthma attacks. It's really scary." Even the company's P.R. spokesperson, Barbara Laing, complained, "We fear that Huntsman is being held up as the poster child for Bush's shitty environmental record here in Texas."
I hoped to have an opportunity to ask Governor Bush about his learning difficulties, his religious awakening, and his environmental policies. Coming out of the celebratory Republican convention, I joined Bush's whistle-stop train tour through the Midwest, expecting a real grassroots trip. Instead, it was a long string of privately owned railroad cars. The campaign had hired a top Philadelphia caterer, who was told to "take care of the press, first class," which meant laying on heavy hors d'oeuvres—smoked-salmon napoleons and caviar on crème fraîche—while the train purred through traditionally Democratic states. Crowds were huge and highly charged, but the faces were almost exclusively white.
Running down the roadbed at one stop, I collared Don Evans. I asked him how Bush, as president, would balance his loyalty to the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries with the nation's growing concerns about environmental policy. The pause was long. "We'll have a policy position on the environment and energy—it's being worked on." Evans emphasized that the governor has taken "enormous constructive steps to reduce pollution."
The next morning I was told by Karen Hughes, "The governor will not be able to participate in your profile."
Gail Sheehy is a Vanity Fair contributing editor. No stranger to dissecting the corridors of power in our nation's capital, Sheehy has written about Newt Gingrich, Elizabeth Dole, George W. Bush, and Hillary Clinton for the magazine.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Labels: America The Ghetto, back stabber, Banality Of Evill, Blogswarm, Change This, Emperor Has No Clothes, Genocide, Katrina, New Orleans
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Holy Shades of Saddam Hussein And The Fall Of Baghdad!!!
Hat Tip to Suzy who posted the below clip on YouTube, Diane @ her blog Silenced Majority, who brought this to my attention & Cross posted from Wonkette:
Holy Shades of Saddam Hussein And The Fall Of Baghdad!!!
Here's a video of Big Dicky Cheney's Statue being toppled by his neighbors, who are screaming for his impeachment, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming this past weekend.
Notice that the money shot is not the statue coming down, but the local Sheriff rolling up on the crowd, honking his horn in approval, and driving off.
Maybe he saw this AEI video over the weekend too.
When they're not greeting you as a liberator or with flowers in your own hometown, you might be in, as George Busch Senior might put it, deeper doo doo than you're telling yourself you are, Dick.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Labels: Big Dick Cheney, Impeach, Impeach Cheney First, Jackson Hole, Protest In The Streets, Regime Change, Topple Statue
Friday, August 10, 2007
BWAAACKKK !!! Romney's Little Chicken Hawks!!!!
"My sons are all adults and they've made decisions about their careers and they've chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard. One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president."
-- Mitt Romney
Any opinions or somethin you just wanna get off your chest
And address it about my lyrics I'd love to hear it
All you gotta do is pick up the phone and just dial up this number
It's 1-800-I'm a dick sucker I love to suck a dick
And if someone picks up you can talk all the shit you want about me
Just type in your number back and follow it by the pound key
And I'll be sure to get back
As soon as there comes a day that I fall out with Dre
Wake up gay, make up with Ray (Hey!)
So fuck a chicken, lick a chicken, suck a chicken,
Beat a chicken, eat a chicken like it's a big cock
Or suck a dick, and lick a dick and eat a dick
And stick a dick in your mouth
I'm done you can fuck off
fucka-fucka-fuck offf!
Here's The Daily Show's take on it:
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Friday, August 10, 2007
Labels: 5 Romney Sons In Flight, Army of None, Chicken Hawk, Class War, Congressional Medal of Honor, Daily Show, Duty, Hypocrisy, Money Talks, Romney, Tradition
Thursday, August 9, 2007
While I'm Cooling My Heels At My Grandparents in Yugoslavia Nixon Freakin' Resigns, August 9th, 1974
Wonder if Bush ends up resigning if he'll fret about being caught picking his nose on camera?
On a personal note, this backyard, in the Slovenian border town of Maribor is where I was at on that day, when my Yugoslavian Grandmother came running out of the house to break the news to me and my brother by shouting:
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Labels: Bush Resigns, Impeachment, Nixon Resigns, Watergate
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Go Barry!!!
“NBA official admitted today that they should have known that something was amiss when they received reports about disgraced referee Tim Donaghy officiating games in the off-season for the Harlem Globe Trotters, games in which the Globe Trotters would consistently *not* beat the spread.” Gordie Thoren
Before you people all gratuitously pile on Barry Bonds, I’d strongly suggest reading former White House Ant-Terrorism Czar, Ricard A. Clarke’s latest Cyber Punk novel “Breakpoint” to see what he has to say on the subject.
OK, I get it, Barry Bonds is not a nice person, personality-wise, (for that matter, neither was John Lennon of The Beatles), and, sigh, yes, we all wish he’d take a page out of his Godfather, Willie Mays’s Book of Dignity, and do the Cuba Gooding Jr. “Jerry McGuire” dance.
Then again, why in the hell, should he?
Show of hands.
Who here has ever been on prescription medication to improve and/or enhance their performance in life, be it work or personal?
Or had their kids put on Ritalin, so they’d do better in school?
And speaking of the “precious children” what do we tell the 6 million plus kids, that we don’t want to make cynical, or disillusion, that are currently on Ritalin?
Or does fall under the acceptable “mixed messages” category that we adults spoon-feed kids?
Here’s a hypothetical question for you.
An affordable drug, with no side-effects, comes to the market, after going through a rigorous set of FDA clinical trials, that gives you a 100% photographic memory.*
Would you take it?
Would you counsel parents who want their kids to get into the best school that they can to not let their kids take that drug, even though every other kid in the class is taking it?
Would you want the President of The United States, as well as all his advisers, to take it?
If not, why not?
If so, then how is that any different than taking a regulated drug to enhance physical performance?
As far as maintaining the “Purity of the game goes”, Cosmo Kramer, please.
I was born at night, but not last night.
“Professional” Sports in America is a rigged game.
Think it’s not?
OK, sure, feel free to tell yourself that, and just ignore the fact that the majority of all World Series games for the better part of the last decade have gone the full 7 games, for some reason.
Which is like, statistically impossible, but that's no nevermind.
Major League Baseball, first and foremost, all personalities aside, is a multi-billion dollar business.
Can you name one business in the USA that generates over a billion dollars of revenue that runs from a morally ethical center?
Time Warner?
Blue Cross/Blue Shield?
Any of those?
Why should MLB, or any other sports league, be an exception to predatorial way America does business?
I really don’t get the sports doping = bad idea thing.
Try to put yourself in the shoes of an adolescent/early 20s, naturally gifted athlete, in a culture that’s money driven.
On the one hand, they can go the au natural route, work their butts off to get to the top of their game and at the end of that their reward is a $2 million dollar contract.
Or they can do all that, plus add a little chemical enhancement into their regimen and at the end of that their reward is a $20 million dollar a year contract.
Guarantee you that 90% of all these young professional athletes, when looking at these sets of numbers, and planning for their futures of themselves and their families are going to make the obvious choice.
There is one answer to all this.
Let’s get honest and put a stop to the current hypocrisy and eliminate *all* performance drug testing in all “Professional” Sports.
* Jacked from Clarke’s “Breakpoint” novel.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Labels: 756, Achievement, Barry Bonds, Doping, Drugs, Hypocrisy, MLB, Richard A. Clarke, Ritalin, Steroids, Willie Mays
Monday, August 6, 2007
Blogswarm - PDB bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US
In honor of PDB /bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US Blogswarm Day, today A Pen Warmed In Hell sadly, (nothing to be "proud" about here), re-presents its very first ever post:
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Richard A. Clarke & The White House Reaction to the 9/!! Hearings
I fucking don't even begin to know where to start with these fucking people....
I know, let's say we start with that cocksucking bitch, Presidential NSA Presidential Advisor, Dr. Condi Rice.
One may say, given the vociferousness of her attacks on Dick Clarke, that 'the Bitch doth protest too much,' and isn't it funny how she's past adamant about not testifying under oath, publicly, yet she's burning up the airwaves all week long, on all the major news shows, with a star turn to be done tonight on '60 Minutes.'
What's up with that?
Then her comment from last year:
Wait for it......
“No one could have predicted that they would try to use a…
hijacked airplane as a missile..."
I'm not the only one out here in webland that has noticed that this very scenario was a plot point in a Tom Clancy novel, Debt of Honor, where his All-American Wet Dream, Jack Ryan becomes US President when a 747 is smacked into The Capitol during a Joint Session of Congress, killing the President, mere moments after Jack Ryan was sworn in as Vice President, thus making him President of The United States of America, and shit.
All of a sudden nobody in the WH reads Tom Clancy?
Even money this is where Al-Qaeda got the idea in the first place.
Nothing's more encouraging to me when my Government keeps playing me for a fool, shows how much respect they have for me and their fellow Americans.
Posted by Nyc Alberts at Sunday, March 28, 2004 Links to this post
Labels: 9/11, Al Qaeda, bitch, Condoleezza Rice, NSA, Richard Clark, Tom Clancy, WMD
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Monday, August 06, 2007
Labels: 9/11, Al Qaeda, August 6th 2001, bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US, bitch, Blogswarm, Condoleezza Rice, Hiroshima, NSA, PDB, Presidential Daily Brief, Richard Clark, Tom Clancy, WMD
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Blowin' In The Wind & Shit
From The Maybe Dylan Was On To Something Department, Another Mr. Drinkwater Special.
Click To Enlarge:
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Labels: Blogosphere, Bob Dylan, Brain Space, Common Sense, Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Gmail - Re: Gizmodo Recommendation: Zero X Electric Motorcycle is Fast, Eco-Friendly, USB Compatible
Gmail - Re: Gizmodo Recommendation: Zero X Electric Motorcycle is Fast, Eco-Friendly, USB Compatible
So, here's the future of vehiculosity, or at least the direction...
Posted by
Dennis Crow
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Your Tax Cuts At Work, An INSIDE Job!!!
When they said they were gonna:
"Build A Bridge To The 21st Century"
This must have been what they meant:
minneapolis craigslist rants & raves
Reply to:
Date: 2007-08-03, 10:28AM CDT
You see, asphalt gets really hot in the summer, sometimes approaching 160ºF. But steel melts at 2750ºF, which is FAR higher than the heat produced by sun-heated asphalt. That means that there is NO WAY the sun could have melted those steel beams, and THAT means that it had to have been taken down in a CONTROLLED EXPLOSION.
Witnesses reported feeling a rumble, hearing a loud boom or "crash" and seeing lots of smoke. These are all tell-tale signs that explosives were used, and that the construction up top was merely a cover for those who would have been planting the demolitions for weeks.
After watching the video footage, the bridge collapse happens in TWO DISTINCT SECTIONS. First, the central bridge structure, then the fore and aft sections a few seconds later. This sort of coordination is common when "pulling" a super-structure like this one. Thes portions weren't pulled down by the main structure, so they HAD to have been brought down manually.
And who stands to benefit from this? George Bush and his Big Construction cronies, that's who. Contracts like this can be worth up to $100 Billion or more, and the Big Construction Lobby (who have on their board of trustees none other than Norm Coleman and Tim Pawlenty - look it up) has been applying pressure on this repuglican administration since the 9/11 clean-up effort netted the clean-up crew (Masterson Infrastricture Inc. - a subsidiary of Halliburton) hundreds of millions in contract work.
Interestingly enough, the first reporters at the scene were from none other than KSTP and Fox 9 news. KSTP as you well know is a conservative talk radio station owned by Hubbard Broadcasting, and The FOX station? Yep, Rupert Murdock. Both were in the air and ready to report literally SECONDS after the collapse. Coincidence?
Also, since the Republican National Convention is going to be held here in Minneapolis, this was a well-planned stunt to use the city to procure the sympathies of the country by exploiting the dead and injured in this "tragedy." It is nothing more than a sick political stunt designed to garner republican votes in the next election.
Also of importance, was the fact that the collapse was timed to directly coincide with the passing of a train underneath. It's cargo? ETHANOL. A major shipment was going to to distributorships of E85, which could have cost the Big Oil companies millions in lost revenues. By stopping the shipment, Big Oil stood to make huge profits.
Oh, and one more thing. I heard from a credible source that what appeared to be a high flying stealth bomber was spotted by members of a kite-flying club flying over White Bear Lake just moments before the bridge collapsed, yet the MN National Guard and all branches of the military deny this. Cover-up anyone?
I don't know about you sheep, but I'm not going to sit back and just ACCEPT that there was a major, accidental structural failure of this bridge. As soon as Kos provides me with more evidence, I'll post it here.
(And if you believed any of this, you are a complete tool.)
Location: Open Your Eyes!
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 388385686
Copyright © 2007 craigslist, inc.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Friday, August 03, 2007
Labels: Building A Bridge To The 21st Century, Collapse, I 35 W, Inside Job
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Super Models In Drug Re Hab
If you've got issues with good looking men and women in an institutional setting, then you need to go elsewhere.
Everybody else, enjoy this little pictorial series by that genius Steve Meisel that ran in the Italian Vogue this July that's ripped been "ripped from today's celebrity headlines".
Too bad this will never run in the American edition of Vogue, given how uptight, prudish and immature we Americans are.
But man, oh man, what fun the shit-storm of outrage and moral indignation would be if anybody did have the cajones to do this would be.
As Britney, Paris and Lindsay can tell you, Drug Rehab's, like the eponymous "Promises, Promises" have a 90% failure rate.
It's the greatest business on earth, because:
Which insures that the clientèle will always come back for more punishment for the egregious sin of wanting to enjoy themselves, which just isn't done in our Modern Day American Culture.
Talk about predatory, but that's how business is done in America.
Here's something that works, Ibogaine, which has about a 60% success rate, but you'll never hear about it because there is no money it.
In order to see the pics in their full screen glory, right click on them and select 'view image' and then go back to see more.

Vogue Italia July 2007
Super Mods Enter Rehab
Photographed by Steven Meisel
Styled by Karl Templer
Models: Agyness Deyn, Denisa Dvorakova, Guinevere van Seenus, Irina Kulikova, Iselin Steiro, Lara Stone, Masha Tyelna, Missy Rayder, Sasha Pivovarova and Tasha Tilberg
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Labels: Britney Spears, Failure, ibogaine, Italian Vogue, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Rehab Culture, Steve Meisel
Saturday, July 21, 2007
An Isolated Incident?
Or is there a grain of truth to that old Urban Legend that...
"Cops have the best dope?"
$2.5 million bucks in a 15 pound bag, not hard to see how something like this might have a corrupting influence on our Brave Men In Blue.
I'll bet his motives were good in joining the Police Force, as it is with most cops, then temptation like this comes along....
Detroit Cop Accused Of Stealing Cocaine
July 19, 2007
Detroit Police Chief Ella Bully-Cummings today announced that a narcotics officer has been suspended for allegedly stealing six kilograms, about 13.2 pounds, of uncut cocaine from the department's property room.
The chief said the officer had the authority to sign out cocaine from the room and is suspected of replacing it with another substance and keeping the drug. She said the uncut cocaine has a street value of about $2.4 million.
The officer, whom she wouldn't identify because he hasn't been charged with a crime, was suspended Wednesday night with pay pending a criminal and dept investigation. His pay status will be reviewed before the Board of Police Commissioners.
"I, along with the hardworking members of this police department, have absolutely no tolerance for anyone who chooses to tarnish the image of the Detroit Police Department and defy the oath taken by police officers," Bully-Cummings said.
Bully-Cummings said he is a veteran narcotics officer who had access to drug evidence in criminal cases.
She said the FBI is assisting in the criminal investigation and internal affairs is involved in the departmental investigation.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Labels: cocaine, corruption, Hypocrisy
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Ann Coulter Win Ugliest Dog Of The Year Award, Again!!!
It's That Time Of The Year Again......
As sure as the rain will fall, and the sun will shine, I'm a gonna get me what's mine, I find it absolutely amazing, to no end, that each, and every year, that one can count on two con-current events happening simultaneously ....
One is that:
"Teh Ugliest Dog In The World"
Willl be beknighted:
And Ann Coulter will do a live, stand-up remote on Tweetiebird's, aka, Chris Matthews, Hardball show on MSNBC:
Or is it.....
Given the inherent bias of this site, my money's not on Satan.
I'm just sayin'.....
UPDATE: The above pic of Coulter is from a year ago, these two are from yesterday's appearance to flog her POS book, now out in paperback:
What's really scary is not only Coulter, but her Kool-Aid swilling fans that surround her.
If there was ever an indictment of America's Educational System, the fact that she has so many of these pin-heads that like her, and what she stands for, than that is it.
I fear for my country's future, if this is what our self-proclaimed "best and brightest" are into these days.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Labels: Adam's Apple, Coulter, Dog, Drinking The Kool-Aid, Hell, MSNBC, Satan, Tweetie Bird, Ugliest Dog
Monday, June 25, 2007
Meditations on "Freedom" Fries Michael Moore's Sicko and The Ghettoization of America
If you recall, in March of 2003, as the United States was ramping up towards its invasion of Iraq, there was a bit of a kerfluffle between ourselves and the nation of France over France's lack of support for the war.
Things got so bad between us that there was a movement, spearheaded by now disgraced Republican Congressman Bob Ney, to eliminate all things France from the American Lexicon, not the least of which was to rename "French Fries" "Freedom Fries."
But we weren't going to go as far as abandon Washington DC, the city in which Ney made his proposal, despite it having been designed by a Frenchman, Lafayette, nor ship The Statue of Liberty back to France.
It was essentially just an attention getting PR gimmick, one of many of the jingoistic ones that were in vogue at the time, such as trying to run the multi-Grammy award winning Dixie Chicks out of town on a rail, and impugning the patriotism of any and all Americans that questioned entering this war on what we know now to be lies and the flimsiest of evidence.
Ney pushed it so far as to have the menu changed in the Congress's Rayburn Office Building Cafeteria to reflect this, the picture you see here on the left was taken during this time period.
I can personally vouch for the authenticity of this sign, in that it was during this time period that I was in the employee of lobbyists on Capitol Hill and the Rayburn was the spot that I would have my breakfast in instead of at home because my job entailed being up on The Hill at an ungodly hour.
On my very first day that I was working there, as I was ordering my scrambled eggs I was shocked to find myself standing in front of that very sign that had garnered so much national attention.
What happened next was even more shocking.
As I was waiting for the counterman to finish my order I was approached by a black woman who I estimated to be in her late 40s/early 50s. In her hand she was holding a plastic oyster shell that contained a hard-boiled egg
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Monday, June 25, 2007
Labels: America The Ghetto, France, Freedom Fries, Michael Moore, Sicko
Saturday, June 23, 2007
This Blog Is Not For The Weak Minded
Wow, things are even worse in this neo-Puritanical culture than I thought. Here's what earned me the ignominy of an NC-17 blog rating:
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:* hell (19x) * fucking (5x) * dead (4x) * shit (3x) * bitch (2x) * sex (1x)
As if my words could do more damage to young minds of America than the failed, rated G, Public School System of America.
Cut me a fucking break.
These cocksucking, priggish, fucked in the head, shit for brains, bitch, cunt prudes, who probably haven't ever had a decent fucking, (y'know the kind involving, horrors, that unholiest of human acts, sex), are now officially dead to me.
What has anyone ever gotten from any of them, except a world of misery, anyways?
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Saturday, June 23, 2007
100 Movies, 100 Quotes, 100 Numbers
Now this is a lot of hard work.
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Watergate Nixon Shrine
I had a client in the Watergate building on the 6th floor. Right next door to them was the actual office where the break-in occured, so, on this, the 35th Anniversary of the scandal, I thought I'd post some of the pics that they were kind enough to allow me to take, here.
Enjoy this little slice of Washington DC history....
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Labels: Nixon, Shrine, TAZ, Watergate, Watergate Building