Worst. State. Of. The Union, Ever.Bully.
Jim Webb Rocks, tho', yo.
And Nancy Pelosi sitting in that old fat fuck's old chair, Denny "The Pigface and Body" Hastert made me weep like a BABY.
How cool is that!!!!
"We can't pay and we wouldn't pay. Even if I had the money I would rather burn everything I owned, and I wouldn't even give them the ashes." PirateBay! FTW!!!
Lasciate Ogne Speranza, Voi Ch'intrate.... Bitches.
"Jesus Died For Somebody's Sins... But Not Mine..."
~Patti Smith, Gloria, Easter 1975
Let It Burn,
Wanna Let It Burn,
Wanna Let It Burn,
Wanna, Wanna Let It Burn
April 29th, 1992
Jim Webb Rocks, tho', yo.
And Nancy Pelosi sitting in that old fat fuck's old chair, Denny "The Pigface and Body" Hastert made me weep like a BABY.
How cool is that!!!!
Posted by
Nyc Labretš
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Labels: Bush Sucks, Nancy Pelosi, Webb Rocks, Worst State Of The Union Ever
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